PP-Discrete: Required where there will be discrete orders passing through a work center, here the capacity planning plays major role. i.e. if you have a lath machine, many orders are going through this lathe m/c and schedule plays very important role w.r.t lath as well as the product as the product has to go through many work center. Every time the product many not be same can be different, but same work center can be used for many products.
PP-PI: Mainly concerned with quality parameters and Process management i.e control
recipe is configured in this module. But the difference is the o/p is almost
same, you will not change the product, but every step is very important to
achieve the product quality. And it is entered by operator and approved by
shift supervisor through control recipe function.
Mainly to reduce the data input by person working in SAP and in this case we
are bother by the period end costing and not the each order level costing as
the process is repetitive and one order is sufficient for the whole life.
Characteristics of discrete, process and repetitive manufacturing types:
Characteristics of production type
Discrete Manufacturing (SFC)
Process Manufacturing (PP-PI)
Repetitive Manufacturing (REM)
Product stability / complexity
Complex production process with
intermediate storages
Complex production process and generally without
bulk intermediate storage (mostly continuous-flow and liquid-based
High-volume or mass production, highly
stable and without any production complexities
Production flow
Order-based and with intermediate storage
Order-based and mostly used in producing
materials that flow, such as liquids, (or that can't disassemble)
Lean (simple) manufacturing
Change-over from one product to another
Make-to-stock and make-to-order production
Batch management
Yes (extensive utilization)
Active ingredient management
Not available
Not available
Material quantity calculation
Not possible
Not possible
Completion confirmation (backflush)
For individual operations or orders
For individual operations or orders
Period-based confirmation with backflush
Order-related production
Yes (production order)
Yes (process order)
No (planned orders)
Lot size-based production
Lot sized-based production
Period- and quantity-based production
Cost object controlling
Order-based costing
Order-based costing
Period-based costing (using product cost
Process management
Yes (process integration)
Yes (process management)
No (operational method sheet)